Plugin Tag: airbnb
Widgets għal Airbnb Reviews
(40 total ratings)Inkorpora reviżjonijiet ta ‘Airbnb malajr u faċilment fis-sit ta’ WordPress tiegħek. Żid is-SEO, il-fiduċja u l-bejgħ billi tuża r-rakkomandazzjonijiet ta ‘Airbnb.
WP Airbnb Review Slider
(50 total ratings)Download and display your Airbnb business reviews in your Posts, Pages, and Widget areas with a review slider!
Local Business Addons For Elementor (Formally Waze Map)
(1 total ratings)Easily Build Local Business Website using Elementor.
iGMS Direct Booking
(0 total ratings)iGMS is introducing the Direct Booking Widget. It allows your guests to select and book dates with you right via your website.
Booking Engine by Lodgify
(3 total ratings)Easy to use booking engine for your vacation rental website. List your rentals on your site and save on commissions (from big OTA's).
(3 total ratings)Zeevou is a global community that helps you grow your hospitality business through cutting-edge automation, industry-leading training, and world-class …
VR Booking Lite by MyHotelZone
(0 total ratings)VR Booking Lite is a WordPress booking plugin customized for specific needs of all types of accommodation / property rentals.