Plugin Tag: apartments
BA Book Everything
(18 total ratings)The really fast and powerful Booking engine with management system for theme/site developers to create any booking or rental sites (tours, cars, event …
Widgets għal Airbnb Reviews
(42 total ratings)Inkorpora reviżjonijiet ta ‘Airbnb malajr u faċilment fis-sit ta’ WordPress tiegħek. Żid is-SEO, il-fiduċja u l-bejgħ billi tuża r-rakkomandazzjonijiet ta ‘Airbnb.
RentPress for Websites
(0 total ratings)Connects property information to any WordPress site to help market your apartments. Supports data feeds from: RentCafe, Entrata, RealPage, and more.
(1 total ratings)The Linear WP plugin allows you to integrate your website into Linear real estate system, easily displaying data of the listings you are selling.
igumbi Online Booking
(1 total ratings)Generate commission free online bookings directly on your WordPress site by integrating the igumbi online booking tool/ IBE.
RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on
(0 total ratings)RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on connects your contact forms with your multifamily CRMs.
RentPress: Amenities Manager Add-On
(0 total ratings)This add-on brings greater control of your amenities synced from a property management software.
WP-Reservation booking system
(2 total ratings)WP-Reservation – This WordPress plugin allows for the creation of own sites with a booking system. It can apply to their sites hostels, hotels, hotels …